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143. A Catchy Title About Love

We'll be alright. We're going to grow old together and make mistakes. We'll fight and have fun making up. We'll fuck up and do it all over again, but it'll all be okay because I'll have you and you'll have me -Zayn to Gracie
Love. L-O-V-E. Love. You never see it coming, most of the time you don't even want it, but love has a funny way of creeping up on you. People portray love as a beautiful, selfless, romantic and amazing thing, but the harsh reality is, love is pain. It's heartache and endless tears, but above all it's uncertain. Finding love doesn't always mean keeping love, things change, people change, people leave or have a change of heart, some people simply wake up and don't love the person they once did, sometimes feelings die and people die, but true unconditional love always remains.

Love isn't about physical attraction. It isn't longing or need, it isn't passion or desire. Love is finding someone who knows you better than you know yourself. Once you found, don't let it slip right out your fingertips. Once youthink you found it, regret nothing if it's not like what you expected. To be perfect needs sacrifices. It's how you feel so close yet you're so far away. You never fall in love the same way twice

Illusion never changed into something real. I'm wide-awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn

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