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2011 night

Mulai dari sorenya, gue udah bulet gabakasl bisa main kayaknya, but ada miracle gitu deh, hahaha akhirnya gue main dan diajakin nge-grill sama Bepe, nah kan tadinya gue cuma iseng-iseng keluar, eh ketemu sama Dira dan Firli lagi ngobrol sambil pake baju barong, haha pas banget gue juga lagi pake baju barong andd guess what? Pas bepe turun dari mobil, she's wearing the same dress as us too! Wow banget emang ikatan batin kita kuat :"D. Terus kita beli terompet gitu sama nyari areng udah muter2 sampe capek untungnya ketemu juga fuuh,
Nungguin sodara semalem suntuk, gakdeng seharian gadateng dan datengnya baru malem gitu, yaudah deh gue join nge-grill autis sama tmn2. Sempet took some pictures sih tapi dari kamera gue&bepe nah fotonya yg dari kamera bepe belom ada wiiiwiii garagara belom ditransfer sama dia.

Firli(digerai) and Gita

Firli (lagi! karena dia doyan banget sama kamera, gue aja heran kenapa kameranya belom dimakan sama dia) and Gita

Liat kan betapa kompaknya kita? Barong! Balinese 

Firli and Dira

Gita and Dira

Firli, Gita and Dira

Betapa seriusnya kita meng-grill seafood, hmm yummy

Gita, Dira and Bepe

Union Jack, we're addicted to UK

Bepe and Dira

Bepe and Firli

Finally! At about 9ish we went home, Thankyou Beatrix Petramia Fernandez, Ardira Diandra Rnadun and Firliana Kurniawan for such an amazing night! Laave ya girls!

Abis dari Girls' little party at Bepe's, gue gak bermuram durja dirumah, langsung continue BBQ with big fam. Malem-malem kita udah kayak anak tuyul keluyuran liat kembang api kayak orang bopung yang gapernah liat sebelumnya, tapi itu emang new year moment banget, ya gamungkin dilewatin. Kita bakar sate ayam&sapi ang superb delicious, okey kali ini gue gaklebay, tapi emang yummy banget. 5 minutes to 2012 gue udah siap dengan hp yg udah gue otak-atik sana-sini jadi twitter siap pm siap semuanya siap tinggal send, save, send, save.

FINALLY! Countdown!










 WELCOME 2012!

Langsung terompet membahana dari segala arah. Gue&sodara langsung hunting foto sana-sini kayak anak kelabakan karena langit emang udah kayak World War 3 psiiuut psiiuut kiri-kanan dan suara jeprat-jepret sana sini, endingnya cukup memuaskan banyak "misil" yang ke captured berkat keahlian gue B-)

Me and lil cousin

Captured by Gita

Captured by Gita, Cont. shooting

Taken by Gita

The best one I guess

Little blur but it's okay



Danan and lil bros

creepy little bros


au revoir,

2012 Infinite Dream

Time has passed by, seconds to seconds, hours to hours, days to days, weeks to weeks, months to months and years to years and this is what we've been waiting for;


2011 has been a great year for us, but not for me. I have tough time, yea I'm a tough girl. On that year I've felt what is it like to be in the lowest level of my life, how it feels like to be abandoned, how's it feels like to be given fake hopes, but on that year too I've been given a big responsibility, I've such a great holiday and many more. But this time, I'm sorry I think I have to say;

and please welcome;

As everyone say; Please be good. Yes I hope you'll be good to me and as in the title of this post "Infinite Dream" I have such an infinite dreams and wishlists. I hope I can share it here, but I can't because people say you can't tell what you wish. This is all I want;

"Give me everything I need not what I want"



All we need is love

Kalian sadar gak? Sebenernya semuanya yang kalian butuh itu udah provided. Disini pengartian butuh itu beda sama mau ya. Tuhan udah give me everything i need, tapi guenya aja yang suka gaktau diri. First of all, Tuhan udah ngasih gue orang yang doyan banget nyeramahin gue
biar gue makin baik
biar gue makin dewasa
biak gue makin pinter
tapi gue berontak untuk itu,
gue malah balik marahin mereka
gue ngambek lah
gue bikin ulah lah
gue avoid mereka lah
Sampai suatu saat, I'm in the lowest level of my life, mereka tetep ada buat gue.
Dititik itu gue sadar, gue gabautuh uang, gue gabutuh kesenangan belaka, gue gabutuh pretty lies, gue cuma butuh mereka yang peduli sama gue.
Kadang gue lebih mentingin apa yang gue mau daripada apa yang gue butuh.
Kadang gue ngerasa gaada satupun yang peduli sama gue. Gue gamau buka mata buat orang-orang yang selalu ada buat gue.
Siapa itu mereka?
Mereka adalah orang-orang yang peduli sama gue
Mereka orang yang ngajarin gue betapa kerasnya hidup
Mereka yang ngubah gue
Mereka yang mengharapkan sesuatu yang terbaik buat gue dan dari gue
Mereka yang jujur apa adanya tentang gue
Mereka yang gasuka gue yang sering nganggap diri gue worthless
gue yang suka bikin ulah
gue yang suka tutup mata atas apa yang ada disekitar gue
gue yang sering marah-marah dan berontak
gue yang suka bacot di twitter tapi kalo ketemu langsung nyalinya ciut
gue yang sebodo amat sama diri gue sendiri
gue yang suka main cabut aja terus pulang malem lah

Mereka adalah:

My Parents

Someone yang gaperlu gue sebutin namanya....


Temen-temen autis+idiot gue

Sorry guys if I've disappointing you, but this is me. Gue harap lo gabosen-bosennya ya nyeramahin gue, sabar-sabar sama gue sama ulah gue sama sikap gue. Gue sayang kalian! 

xx, lalitya


Yeaaaa, liburan kemaren gue pergi ke Bali with famsky, sedih sih gasama temaen-temen laknat gue itu, but overall seru sih.

First day abis landing, gue atau kita ya whatever langsung cari makan, ya apadaya perut meraung-raung tanpa henti akhirnya kita makan di suatu resto yang gue juga gatau apa namanya, and i took some pics there tapi picsnya not available karena internet connection yang bikin gue bener-bener pengen nangis bombay, okey trs abis makan kita langsung check in, we stay at Santika Resort&Spa atau semacamnya lah yang intinya gue taunya hotel Santika, buat apa jug ague hafalin embel-embelnya santika blablabla atau blablabla santika, but this is the most exciting part cuz i met a very attractive young boy yea bahasa gue duh-_- sumpah ini gabohong, dia itu mirip cody simpson versi lbh cakepnya+alex constancio omhhhhh coba Austin Mahone, gue pasti udah jerit-jerit minta foto, gakdeng, gue pasti udah histeria. Dihari pertama gue bener bener kayak dikejar deadline, kesana-sini alhasil capeeeeek banget tapiya apa boleh buat cuma 3 hari so enjoy your time. Abis check in, langsung cabut ke GWK buat liat patung gajelas itu terus ke uluwatu buat nonton tari kecak, the most popular Balinese dance. Di tari kecak gue berasa pasir diantara pantai-pantai, yang nonton ribuan! bahkan jutaan! hm, okay that's lebay, intinya banyak banget yang nonton ckckck abis itu kita makan seafood ke Jimbaran, okay thisis highly reccomended, enak bgtdeh lo wajib coba. Udang bakarnya bikin melayang sampe ke langit ke 10 mau tembus ke-11, abis itu pulang

Second day kita ke birdpark, disana cuma liat burung sih (ya iyalah-_-embel-embelnya aja BIRDpark masa disana kita liat monyet, kan galucu) disana we took some pics again tapi gara-gara koneksi internet yang bikin pisau mainan terlihat setajam pisau dapur, yasudah not available. Terus kita makan bebek hasil ngemis bokap yang mohon-mohon mau makan bebek-_-, abis makan malemnya kita ke dreamland, nah ini skrg hasil ngemis gue muahahahahaha.

Third day kita tadinya mau ke monkey forest nemenin Erlan liat sodaranya, alhasil kita malah ke Danau Batur smpt badmood garagara nyokap ngoceeeh terus kayak kereta, abis itu kita minum kopi, ini parah! ini gatanggung2 kata bokap gaboleh dilewatin! karena ada something special, dan lo tau itu apa? kita gaboleh skip ini karena kita bisa liat LUWAK, gue ulangi LUWAK, gue eja L-U-W-A-K, GOSH? WHAT THE HELL aja ya, cukup gue disiksa gini-_- ya itulah beli souvenirs blablabla terus malemnya flight ke Jkt terus nyampe rumah tidur deh;)

HAHAHA overall itu liburan gue, sebenernya sih masih panjang, gue belom ceritain badmoodnya gue dll, tapi takut post yang udah kepanjangan ini malah tambah panjang, k?bye fellas! foto nyusul kalo internetnya udah sembuh ya!:D


SORRY! late posting, some pics of my birthday spazio, enjoy(;

JUST TWO???!!!!

HMM YEAH I'M SORRY. internet's being trashy, maybe next time. k?bye fellas


Happy Christmas!

Heyya fellas! Happy Christmas! HOHOHO Santa's coming to town! Who's excited? Me? oh I'm beyond excited! I spent Christmas in Bali bby;) (post about it later) It's been a nice holiday! So sad we don't have winter here in Indonesia #noseason #drypocket, but tap it! Who need it? Let's just enjoy the holiday!



The Older, Better

Finally! It's December 17th. Happy Birthday m'Dear! Got so much loves from my friends&family! Here's the chronology :

Monday, December 13th 2011
DAMN BOY! I was fighting with my friends. Out of nowhere, they talk bad things about me. I hate them smuch!

Tuesday, December 14th 2011 
Here, damn they avoided me, but i was glad that I have another friends from the other class.

Wednesday, December 15th 2011
Ever since I left that 8Actroverd group they started to ignore me, again! Whatta life! (note my sarcasm) They were talking shits about me, damn hell yea I regretted opening twitter. I'm in the lowest level of my life right now.

Thursday, December 15th 2011
Oh thank Godness I have school today! The only things I want to avoid. Yeah I just hope it'll end soon!
Oh and I don't open my twitter.

Friday, December 16th 2011
Spending the rest of the day with DVD Marathon! Oh and I didn't open my twitter (again!) and I don't give a damn about my friends anymore;)

Saturday, December 17th 2011
Woke up at 2.22 a.m by the sound of Happy Birthday echoing through my room! Yeep!! That's my frriends. They threw a surprise party for me. I was so shocked, stunned, I can't described. I thought they didn't care about me anymore but they do care. I've spent the rest of the week tortured by them. They won't speak a word to me, they avoided me. Damn they just magically appeared in my room singing happy birthday with the cake and presents and camera and stuffs yea. In the morning I was bombarded with sooo many birthday wishes,  think I can't typed anymore.



Between a boy and girl

There's this girl. She had a huge crush on this boy. They boy seems to like the girl too. They talked everyday, joked everyday. Once this girl hasn't done 2 pictures (her homework) and the deadline is today. They boy noticed it, then he helped the girl all day, whenever there's this girl, the boy was there too. Once again thhe boy teased the girl like this :
B : hey, ur dad is a journalist yea?
G : nooo!
B : what is it then?
G : he's a writer
B : hey, ur dad is a writer yea?
G : Yes, how'd u know?
B : because you wrote our love stories<3
Once the girl cried and the boy cheered her up all day.
Once the girl said this : "It's never too late to study" but out of control, the boy replied : "It's never too late to love you"
Once the boy brought his favorite food, the girl likes that food too, the girl asked for some, out of the guard, the boy putt the food to the girl's mouth by himself.

U Noticed the past tense?

Yes, it's a memories. Now the boy started to avoid the girl, so did the girl.

"A story doesn't always have a happy ending, because sometimes happy ending is too good to be true"


Austin Carter Mahone
San Antonio, Texas

Austin is a youtube singer. He covered so many songs for examples from Rascal Flatts, Justin Bieber, Adele, Cee-Lo Green, Iyaz, Lil Wayne and he made his own song named Subway Song. Everyone compares him to Justin Bieber which is I found pretty weird cuz Austin's austin. Justin Bieber is his role model but he never wants to be him.
Austin got a fanbase. He called his fans Mahomie<3 He loves his fans. He currently has 299k followers on twitter. He has a buddy named Alex Constancio (@Alexconstancio7) They both named theirselves "COOL MORNING"
They've made some random blogs, lmaooo can't stop laughing! 

Check out his videos on :
Follow him on twitter : @AustinMahone

"Austin isn't as hot as Justin Bieber, isn't as famous as Cody Simpson, hasn't got a deep sexy voice like Greyson Chance's but he always be my favorites"<3
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